Crowns of Glory and Our Babies - Video

Dear Ones!I was inspired just before Easter by our own beloved Jessica's beautiful birth story with her youngest child and have been working intensely to bring this short film to completion to share with all of you, especially in these times. Please watch (it would be wonderful to note that and leave a supportive comment too if your wish). Hard work, especially with with my old eyes going, but I felt truly blessed in the process and I hope it will be a gift for you and hopefully many others who might benefit.Sending warmest thoughts to you where ever and however it may be just now and know love between us can never be 'locked down!"️ In our present time of such uncertainty and fearful world crisis, this film gives calming perspective and reassurance for our own sacred journey. It also tells the joyful story of a wonderfully blessed birth and gently reminds us of the ever present mercy of the Holy Sophia Wisdom and Universal Love. (22 minutes)