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Holy Nights: Peace Pilgrim


July 18, 1908 - July 7, 1981

Peace Pilgrim is a wonderful representative of a Michaelic soul in the true essence of Micha-el and his mission of the guiding arch angel of our era in history since 1879. He is the archangel of freedom.

Peace Pilgrim’s message is transcendent and timeless. This is evident in the universality of her message which is embraced by people of all faiths throughout the world, each feeling she has been a exemplary representative of their beliefs.. that she belongs to them. The Michaelic principles she has lived and shared transcend race, nationality, language, gender, ethnicity, economic status, inherited privilege, education, religious affiliation and all things that would divide us. Her 7 steps booklet has been translated in over two dozen languages and continues to inspire people all around the world. In addition her exemplary courage and determination, her ability to walk this land for nearly thirty years and a far enough distance to walk around the earth herself is awe inspiring. Further she could endure and thrive with NO OUTER SECURITY of any kind. No support team, no support vehicle with supplies and shelter and defense of a lone woman walking the land on the highways! She was as a true pilgrim. Hers is the kind of resilience and abiding faith in the spiritual world we need now.

Nancy Poer, Christmas 2021


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