The Woman Clothed in the Sun

Brian Gray, internationally known man of the stars will be joining us on Saturday with a reading of the stars at the time of the miraculous appearance of Guadlupe and the imprinting of the tilma. It is a truly inspiring promise of heart filled community impulse.
Inspiration and Background for this Conference
During the Winter Solstice of 153l, the Virgin of Guadalupe miraculously appeared in Mexico on Mount Tepeyac, the scene of the temple to Tonantzin, the ancient mother goddess of all creation. Guadalupe revealed herself to a devout and humble indigenous man, yet one coming from a line of those with initiation background. His ancient indigenous stream and his soul qualities made him the worthy receiver of the profound gift of her appearance, her roses, and ultimately her image miraculously imprinted on his woven cactus fiber garment. One of the many symbolisms of this event was Guadalupe’s invitation towards the cooperation and synthesis between communities and mystery traditions, as she announces herself as “Mother to all who would love me”.
The whole phenomena remains a mystery to this day, but the legacy imprinted on the Tilma of the indigenous initiate has had global and cosmic ramifications. The Guadalupe drama entered decisively into history, sweeping through the native populations and putting a merciful end to centuries of horrible widespread human
sacrifice that had killed tens of thousands. Today Guadalupe is the most visited and revered icon in all the Western hemisphere.
In indication of the weaving of mystery traditions between European and Native cultures is expressed by the fact that approximately 15 years before the Guadalupe Event, in Europe the beloved Renaissance painter and Christian Initiate Raphael completed his inspired healing rendering of the Divine Mother -The Sistine Madonna.(1515) This exquisite painting of the Universal Mother symbolizes the highest endeavor and quality of the human soul - to give birth to the higher self, the true I AM, the eternal divine spiritual individuality. It is most timely that our conference is just now as April 6th is the 500th commemoration of Raphael’s death on Good Friday.
In contrast to this image, the Image of Guadalupe, represents the coming revelations a future described in Chapter 12:1 of the Book of Revelations as “ the woman clothed in the sun”, feet on the moon and pregnant with a holy child. The Image in Revelations portrays how the child (the highest aspect of our humanity) is directly threatened by the dragon waiting below to devour the babe. She is a protector and revealer of the higher good for our times.
The Virgin of Guadalupe is a blending of the highest heavenly star crowned feminine wisdom powers of the universe with those of the black madonna, representing
the primal genesis capacity of creation, the primal embodiment of regenerating life, always appearing by sacred waters without which there would be no life on the earth. She represents the eternal feminine powers, enduring all, bearing all, witnessing all of earthly life since the ancient of days.
Guadalupe, La Morenita, (the little brown one}, is the beautiful synthesis of the two holy feminine capacities. As a Mestizo (mixed race) Madonna, she illustrates the universal aspect of humanity, that all races are of Divine origin. Guadalupe unites cultures, she bridges heaven and earth, she unites past. present, and future and invites all beings, all races to collaborate in creating a new Cosmos of Love. The heavenly stars are arrayed on her mantle not just around her head but over her heart touching the realm of human feeling and the limbs that carry out the will for deeds.
As human beings on earth today we are striving to birth the higher virtues and capacities of our humanity, but are caught in imprisoning egotism, distracted by seductive materialism, or self centered focus on our pride or victimhood. Adversary forces challenge us on every side, through our amazing but dehumanizing technology, materialistic death-filled political policies, mechanized world views and beliefs about what actually is ‘humanity’. These adversarial distractions sever humanity’s connectedness from the renewing spiritual hope that can give us divine vitality, inspiration and regeneration. It is a powerful array of evil blocking
progressive evolution and influencing us to rule our lives from our lower selves instead of inspiration from our higher natures. Far too many are living in constant fear and anxiety, denial, clever intellectual heartlessness or behaviors harmful to self and others. Conditions now cause millions to suffer at survival levels of existence while everywhere the battle for the soul rages. The deepest question remains; will higher or lower humanity prevail?? Guadalupe is revelation of hope to transform and transcend our challenging times today.
As we struggle to progress in this world rife with corruption and grievous injustices, relentless violation of the earth and exploitation and cruel governance of masses of humanity, we do well to look to the spiritual inspirations to keep ourselves connected to our deepest humanity, To find union with our bestowed divinity that can only grow and give us mastery in our lives and destinies if we, in freedom, commit to serve and unite with higher universal powers. The Virgin of Guadalupe and the Mystery Traditions of Native Traditions and the prophetic Cosmic Mother offer a healing path for humanity to achieve its cosmic destiny. inviting us all to a future when humanity can rise to the consciousness where we identify with our status as eternal divine individualities with citizenship in the universe itself, beyond all race, nation, status, gender, and language, inspired by and in service of the Highest Holy spirit of universal wisdom and love. The Holy Mother bridges all that ever was and ever will be with her merciful
witness and protection and beholding. May we gather to strengthen and honor goodness holiness, our blessed Mother earth and our opportunities to be conscious striving co- creators on the earth today.
The weekend will provide ample time for ritual, learning and sharing. As the timing of the conference coincides with Easter Weekend, Good Friday through Easter Sunday, a community Easter meal and Easter egg hunt will be part of the conclusion of the conference for participant’s families and community friends.
This celebration is open to all of those who wish to learn and share this inspiration, Easter morning, April 12th, we will offer a Sunrise Service, representing the past and honoring the Creator powers of eternal indigenous wisdom and prayers of connectedness to and responsibilities for the cycle of all life as well as celebration of the deed of Christ gave his sacrifice, who went through death for all humanity. The presence of Christ's essence in the consecrated earth gives hope and possibility for resurrection in the human would and the redemption of all humanity through the powers of divine love. It is this divine deed which was recognized by the Indigenous populations who responded so enthusiastically to the Guadalupe Event in 1531. May we explore and embrace her holy message of
rebirth and enlightenment an what it can mean for us all.
Registration and Conference Fees:
The requested fee for the entire conference is $120.00 ) $40 deposit by April 1st to hold space - space limited) This is a minimum to cover the costs of, food and transportation costs for the presenters. Further donations most welcome to support this work. Fee includes ranch style housing for participants and most meals and snacks (simple, organic, vegetarian and optional gluten free) Participants are requested to bring food to share from their respective traditions for a Friday night potluck, (or dish of your choice) and contributions for an Easter Day celebratory luncheon.
To register contact