Thanksgiving at White Feather Ranch 2018
It was a poignant time to be sure, standing there without Gordon at my side for the first time
in the thirty years we have had our Thanksgiving sharings at White Feather Ranch. I wore his shirt, and as always the golden cross he made for me that I have worn for fifty years, now accompanied by his wedding ring. I had told my children I just couldn’t bear the ranch being quiet and empty on this day of all days. And is surely was not, rain and all. Nearly fifty of us gathered!.
Thanksgiving has always been a big part of our lives in the community and something we were both committed to celebrate in the true spirit of the day. Over the years we have had people from all over the world, many for their first Thanksgiving. We always wanted it to be a community event, something for everyone all ages (except there is no TV and only celebratory sparkling cider to accompany the meal). And it has been; bounteous potluck feasts, basketball and pool games, rides in the old truck, exuberant shouts from first timers on the zip line, hilarious Pictionary games, our signature Virginia Reel with whoops and pink-cheeked, breathless dancers.
Today I get an email of someone who wants to introduce it in China to her students there. Only once in thirty years we couldn’t eat outside and this one was no exception as the clouds broke, the rains ceased and the blessed sun appeared just at the right times. Special was the sharing of music, dancing,singing, poems, jokes and the talents that live in each special group, young and old from a six year old with a sweet piping solo song to a professional level musicians. This year Kitty from China brought lovely dancing to help us celebrate. Community, meeting, loving caring holding one another with respect and appreciation.
I can’t quite find the words. This year had a special added dimension. Though he wasn’t physically beside me, the blessing of Gordon’s warm hospitable caring from the spirit settled like an invisible and vibrant mantle over us all.
It was nearly tangible along with all the blessings from the spirit that were ‘in the air’ . I felt we were expanded and lifted, made larger, more authentic, graced and real. Everyone was included for they all wore smiles during the day and joined in good times, teenagers to toddlers to elders, held and appreciated and welcomed.
This has been our work, my dear husband Gordon and me, built up on this earthy plane for 65 years. Not without a few tears, that came and went for me during the day, I read out the beautiful Iroquois Thanksgiving address to begin and we all responded in unison with each thanks to the world, “And Now our Minds are One”! followed by a rousing “The Lord is Good to Me” song of grace.
And that is where we hope to go - creating, connecting, joining this world and the next; this world of those of us on earth with all those in spirit who love and inspire us. Together we are indomintable and powerful, united in a wave of gratitude for being together, recognizing all we share as a universal human family with our hearts swelling in joyful lived praise of the gift of Life and one another.